Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day!

I will be posting as soon as we find out the sex so look forward to something tomorrow afternoon. Have a good one!

Friday, February 23, 2007

It's Friday rant and raves

Gosh I love Friday. It's not that I hate my job but Friday is great especially when it's sunny/warm.
Mary's job is a joke though. They have a rat infestation in their ceilings that was right above Mary and finally they moved her. Well yesterday they told her she is moving back into the original office. You would think that he job is in a garage or something but no it's in a state building that looks very nice from the outside. Needless to say plans are in motion for a change.

Mary is either gonna find something else, maybe full time, maybe part time or stay home. It's sad that she's had to deal with this at a Institute of higher education. The people at her work don't care about it because it's not above their offices. Whatever, I will make sure and call the Governor's office and fill them in on their "infestation".

It's good we started watching our money when we learned of the baby. Now we are in the mode of saving/budgeting and if we have to go to one income we'll be fine.

We learn the sex of the baby Thursday, March 1st so we are excited about that. I am going to post a poll if I can so everyone can vote what they think it will be. All indicators so far point to a girl. If it's a girl her name will be Janaki Jabroni Johnson...JJJ...

Friday, February 16, 2007


Is everybody sick or what? Chances are you reading this, or someone you know are sick or were sick in the last 1-2 weeks. Mary has been out of work all week with the flu and I had it in a milder form last week.
It's cold here to, cold to me is anything below 50 (sorry fellow Ohioans) but that's how it is.

It's Friday and I need to do something. Between taking care of Mary, the house, working, tutoring, and my class, I am going stir crazy. Mardi gras (is that spelled right) is huge down here so we may get out to a parade if Mary is up to it. I am also seeing Ghost rider this weekend...yay! I love the comic book and am looking forward to the movie.

Medical bills suck even if you have good health insurance. Mary and I had surgery last year and although 90% of it was covered we had to cover the 10%. The problem is that everyone bills you separately, the hospital, the anaesthesia people, the physical therapy people and it goes on.

I have come to the conclusion in life that information is very important. Take tax's for instance. There are all these tax breaks out there that in my opinion are put out there because they know that some people will not take them, simply because they don't know about them. That's why I laugh when I see people paying H and R block 100 bucks to do their tax's when I paid nothing to use the same computer program that H and R block uses.

OK I'm done yapping. I will be spending the afternoon at the Honda dealership getting my car fixed. Yay..

Sunday, February 11, 2007

15 and 1

Mary is 15 weeks and one day today. Everything is going very well and she's starting to feel movement in her tummy. This picture is from a week ago with our sheltie Snoopy Snoo and my beautiful wife Mary "mocha pants" Johnson.
Next Dr. appointment is Wednesday, Valentine's day.
We are looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby in the next 1-2 months.
Also a random observation...2007 is flying by. It's mid Febuary already, nuts.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


I know most of you reading this are from good ol Ohio where it's very cold. It's actually been cold here, although I now consider cold anything below 50-60. It finally jumped up to the 60's with sun yesterday. It's a great time of year down here because it's gets warmer but without the humidity you see in June-August when it's really hot.

Mary is doing well and we got a picture to put up this weekend. She has officially "popped" although you still can't tell if you saw her. Our good friends down here that are having a baby and are 3 weeks ahead of us just found out they are having a girl. Jamie teaches at UF where I work so we all hang out together, and then Suzie his wife got pregnant and 2-3 weeks later we found out Mary is pregnant. Jamie was very excited yesterday after hearing the news that they are having a girl.

Suzie, Jamie's wife and Kat are throwing Mary a shower as well. Very cool.
We are also making plans to return to Akron for a shower in late April/Mayish.
It's almost the weekend!